[Trasfondo] Mithras

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Mensaje por Pagliacci » 18 Dic 2019, 10:16

Los fans de Mithras tendrán la satisfacción de preparar el regreso del señor oscuro en la aventura de Fall of London.

http://forum.theonyxpath.com/forum/main ... -chronicle

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Mensaje por Pagliacci » 04 Mar 2020, 22:44

Sacado de una actualización pública de Cultos del Dios de la sangre:

Mithraist Ambition

The Cult of Mithras follows a many-headed religion, but above all, they are a cult of law. At the cult’s height its rituals were formal, its structure rigid, its mysteries impenetrable to outsiders. Since Mithras’ destruction the cult broke up, and with it the religion lost much of its power. Mithraism is strongest when centralized around an unliving god with firm edicts. Since his apparent return, the cells returning to the fold have found great purpose in returning to the old ways. They believe in a world where secrets are kept secret, where the truly powerful seize power and hold on to it until someone more potent can topple the leader, and where training should start young, so age and experience might convey wisdom.

Mithras is the model the cult strives to emulate. As a god, he is multi-faceted, symbolizing spheres from conflict to fertility, and justice to business. This appeals to the cult’s varied followers, as while the Ventrue adherent might find attraction to the cult’s wealth, a Brujah might find appeal in its dedication to war. Through this range of influence, Mithras belongs to his followers, but they all belong to him in turn.

Once a follower digs deeply into the Mithraic Mysteries, concepts such as diablerie become less and less of a taboo. As Mithras gave himself up to his diablerist in the 20th century — at least, that’s how the Mithraists describe it going down — some of the cult’s elders may give themselves over to promising up-and-comers. They may even try to create gestalt personalities, giving themselves up to create something close to divine. This horrifying ritual rarely works, but such self-sacrifice is a point of great pride to Mithras’ cultists.

Unlike the Setites, who believe in unshackling oneself from mortal fetters, and the Bahari, who believe in exalting in vampiric power to serve their goddess, the Mithraists believe in enlightenment by way of control. Mithraists reinforce each other’s Convictions, Touchstones, and therefore Humanity, not due to ethical concerns, but because doing so makes the cult stronger and brings a vampire closer to mastering their urges.

When not pursuing their vein of enlightenment, the Mithraists run a successful protection racket in multiple domains, utilizing their tight structure to extort and bodyguard those who pay into the temple. The temple itself acts both as a clubhouse — often along the lines of an exclusive gentlemen’s club with old fashions and practices, such as telling stories, singing as a pianist or harpist plays, or even playing war games — as well as a site for cult rituals, inductions, and burial of torpid peers. The few Tremere who gain admittance to the cult (Mithras always despised the clan) draw parallels between their practices and those of Hermetics, Freemasons, and Rosicrucians, while the Mithraists boldly declare that if anyone set the mold the others followed, it was them.
Artwork by Ken Meyer Jr.

Law and Chaos

If there are two diametrically opposed cults in this book, one might suspect the Church of Caine and Bahari make for the most contentious, but it’s the Cult of Mithras and Church of Set most inclined to go to war. One could argue Mithras and Set are among the most “successful” of vampires, to have successfully masqueraded their identities behind the names of gods and cultivated religions in their wake. However, the two have never been comfortable sharing success, this world, or potential followers. The two faiths have two completely opposed views of the world, which in extreme terms amounts to Mithras wanting a vampire world governed with tight laws, with power funneling up to him, while Set wants a vampire world with no laws, and power raging unbridled. The Mithraists may be the best fit for the Camarilla, with the cult’s preference for hierarchy, Blood Bonds, and secrets, while the Setites veer toward the Anarchs with their love of unrestricted knowledge and influence.

Of course, neither vampire is open to speaking their views, which leads to this law vs. chaos divide being one perpetuated among their followers. It’s not known if Mithras and Set ever encountered each other or discussed their opposing philosophies, but there’s enough vehemence between their followers to make any city with a temple of Mithras and a temple of Set within its borders liable to assassination attempts, bombings, and other assorted strife

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Re: [Trasfondo] Mithras


Mensaje por патриарх » 23 Oct 2020, 12:58

Justycar escribió: 23 Oct 2020, 12:44 Este es el tema de Mithras, @патриарх .
Uy, pero tampoco tengo mucho que aportar sin despellejarle Cults of the Blood Gods a la gente :mrgreen: . Dejémoslo en que su Culto es de los que menos me gustan y menos interesantes me parecen, aunque la idea de las sectas glorificando semidioses vampíricos sí me molan
3. И никой, нито на небето, нито на земята, не можеше да разгъне книгата нито да я гледа.

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5829
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Trasfondo] Mithras


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 23 Oct 2020, 13:02

Un resumen rápido de su filosofía y creencias sería que los Mithraicos son antigua religión de origen persa de la guerra, la reencarnación y la luz:

Al ser una religión entorno a la guerra, la sangre y el sacrificio, prosperó enormemente entre los soldados y llegó a ser muy importante en el Imperio Romano, rivalizando con el culto a Marte. Orden a través de la guerra, sangre y sacrificio para lograr el éxito. Su jerarquía es casi militar y sus seguidores son expansionistas y belicosos, lo que ayuda a que conquiste otros dominios.

La luz solar también es muy importante, con frecuencia los dioses más poderosos de cada panteón son los dioses solares, los dioses únicos. El Sol es la luz que vence a las tinieblas, el conocimiento, el orden y la paz. El Sol es invencible, invicto, ya que derrota cada noche a la oscuridad y a los demonios,

Pero el Sol muere cada noche para reencarnarse. Muere y resucita, como Jesucristo. Los cristianos adoptaron gran parte de la liturgia mitraica. Como Apolo o Ra, el Sol debe morir y consumirse constamente para vencer, pero su sacrificio es necesario para su próxima reencarnación, todo es parte de un ciclo. Gracias a ello, sigue siendo invencible, sigue renanciendo, sigue siendo más poderoso y estando invicto.

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