SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá

Vampiro Quinta Edición

Moderador: Soiberg

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Narrador de Vampiro
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Registrado: 05 Feb 2023, 18:13

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Soiberg » 09 May 2023, 21:28

En uno de los terrenos explorados esta vez por Amant, había dos campesinos conduciendo a un rebaño de ovejas. Ambos tenían unos zurrones cargados al hombro, donde tenían provisiones y un odre de piel, con agua para refrescarse.

En la finca de al lado había una mansión de estilo colonial, con varios perros vigilando la zona.

De forma proporcional, siguiendo la elipse, había un gran terreno amurallado por las 4 esquinas, de 3 metros de altura, el cual estaba en su interior aparentemente vacío, salvo por una especie de trampilla, que sin duda daría a un sótano subterráneo, la cual sobresalía en la superficie en la hierba al fondo de la finca, y que se podía vislumbrar desde la gruesa puerta exterior de metal, trancada. Era sin duda, algo sospechoso. Nadie parecía en esos momentos vigilar la finca, era la hora de la siesta--¿pero por qué estaba entonces amurallada?

A la derecha de la misma, más terrenos de pastos, estos pertenecientes sin duda a un rancho.

Amant Polidor (Baudelaire)
artista teatral

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Baudelaire » 10 May 2023, 16:02

Me dirijo hacia los ovejeros con tranquilidad, agitando mi mano a la distancia, mientras me escurro con delicadeza entre las ovejas. Con mucha precaución y dulzura, acaricio el suave pelaje de algunas, mientras me voy acercando a ellos.

Good afternoon, folks! Nice flock of sheep you have been caring, it's the mark of your good craft. Congratulations on your excellent work! I'm Williams, from the u.s. army.

Me acerco para estrecharles la mano con firmeza y cortesía. Espero su respuesta a mi saludo y luego, prosigo.

Thank you very much for listening to me. Maybe you've heard the rumors... yes, that a lonely spaniard is breaking around sabotaging our infrastructure. If you haven't, let me inform you that the last time he was heading to Olympia. Maybe you've noted some unusual presence by the field or an inquietude from your lovely beasts.

Acaricio nuevamente a alguna de las ovejas rezagadas.

Do you know, by chance, why should a little fortress is here in the middle of nowhere? It's, perhaps, a local militia building. I know this part of our glorious country has been left abandoned by quite a long period and that you might need some means of defense from foreigners.

Sonrío y apunto a la zona amurallada.

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Narrador de Vampiro
Narrador de Vampiro
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Registrado: 05 Feb 2023, 18:13

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Soiberg » 10 May 2023, 18:57

Good afternoon young man...Corporal---the sheepmen greeted Amant. Thank you!--- Yes, we have to get the poor sheep out, let them have good pasture, you know,---they both said, smiling.

After hearing the name Williams, they both greeted him and shook hands warmly.

-Williams! Didn't you help the Major investigate an incident at one of the camps in the region? I think I heard something about it, I didn't know you were stationed in this area...or is it that you have been left behind..." asked one of the shepherds, groping.

-A Spanish soldier?... hum...what about it, Thornton?--one of the shepherds asked the other.

-Something I've heard about it, yes, I hope they catch that Spanish bastard soon. We'll keep an eye out Corporal, thanks for letting us know.

Hearing the last of the questions, both shepherds looked at each other, as if hesitating.

-We wouldn't want to get into trouble, Corporal. But if you're from the army too, I guess we can tell you about it. It turns out that this impenetrable structure is some sort of secret weapons location for your army, I guess it will depend on a different unit than yours, Corporal, you know what I mean," said one of the herders. Sometimes you see someone patrolling the area, but they try not to draw too much attention to themselves.

-However, unless someone uses some means of climbing or something similar, access is impossible, not to mention that if someone comes in during the day, the garrison guarding the inside of that hatch from the inside would meet them with lead and bullets. At night, yes...I think it is abandoned, it would be enough to break the entrance padlock, but as I tell you, it is very difficult to enter the enclosure," said the other shepherd, "but let's keep this between us, okay? we haven't told you anything.

Amant Polidor (Baudelaire)
artista teatral

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Baudelaire » 10 May 2023, 19:17

Won't say a word, fellows, that's for sure. I'm, myself, in a secret mission. So, we'll keep our mutual discretion, certainly.

Les guiño el ojo de manera cómplice.

As my sources account, the spaniard is none other than a general. Yes, a cunning idea, as they have some kind of immunity. By telling me this valuable information you've already made a great service to our country. And as a team of secret agents, nobody will suspect of two shepherds. If you'd like to be joining the service, the u.s. army will be very grateful of you. You just have to take care of your sheeps and take a look to the mouvements inside and outside of the walls. I'm going back to Olympia, but i'll return tomorrow, fellows.

Sonrío nuevamente.

Surely, that's enough time to assess the proposal. Until then, would you borrow me a couple of sheeps and a spare set of shepherds cloths? I'd love to share a little of this afternoon with both of you and your flock. I'm eager to learn something about your exhausting craft. I'm not going to take you more than half an hour, please.
Última edición por Baudelaire el 11 May 2023, 04:08, editado 3 veces en total.

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Narrador de Vampiro
Narrador de Vampiro
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Registrado: 05 Feb 2023, 18:13

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Soiberg » 11 May 2023, 00:54

-A General, you say? Damn! Lucky bastard! --Well, we are at your service, you can count on us for other time--said one of the shepherds to Amant.

-Some sheeps and some shepherd's clothes?-- all right,-- said one of the shepherds, who went away leaving his companion in charge of the flock, only to return a few minutes later with what Amant had asked for, packed in a leather bag. Additionally he lent him 2 merino sheeps.

-Well, if you want we'll tell you about our exploits around the grass tomorrow when you get back, Corporal Williams, don't worry.

--See you!--saird the other one while Amant was on his way to the hostel with his supplies

He certainly had a lot of things to think about as to how to approach his foray inside the fortress-camp.

Amant Polidor (Baudelaire)
artista teatral

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Baudelaire » 11 May 2023, 13:42

Me deslizo tras un árbol y, con mi agilidad habitual para el cambio de vestuario, me quito el uniforme y me enfundo las ropas de pastor. Acto seguido, pongo el uniforme dentro del morral en que venían las ropas de pastor, para regresar junto mis interlocutores y solicitarles algunas indicaciones acerca de su oficio.

You're very kind, folks. Just want to make sure you tell me the names of the sheeps and if there's any special code or words to give them instructions? Same with the stick, is it to guide them through the path that is required?

Mientras van respondiendo, me presento a cada oveja y les acaricio suavemente.

It's very important that anybody can think me as any other sheep's shepherd, please.

Observo el bastón con el largo extremo curvo.
Última edición por Baudelaire el 15 Jul 2023, 14:29, editado 1 vez en total.

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Narrador de Vampiro
Narrador de Vampiro
Mensajes: 418
Registrado: 05 Feb 2023, 18:13

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Soiberg » 11 May 2023, 19:42

No, but you see, Corporal, the art of shepherding cannot be understood without the use of our dear friend, the dog," said one of the shepherds, handing him the leash of one of the dogs with which they were driving the flock of sheeps. It was a large mastiff imported from Spain. He is Shark, it´s a good shepherd dog.

-Who is a good dog? --- said his owner smiling--Good Sharkie, good dog!---The shepherd throw the dog some cookies.

The dog came to him to be petted, after that he came close to Amant in a gentile manner to be petted too.

-Those 2 Merino Sheeps are Maulia and Melina

-Well, first of all, it is to the dog that you must give instructions by moving the stick in the direction you want him to lead the sheep, not to the sheep, it is a clear beginner's mistake, hehe want to know... what does grazing consist of? Let me tell you, young man. You must understand, young Corporal, that the first thing is that "you must have a varied circuit, with heterogeneous patches of vegetation, where you want the sheep to move and not let any of them escape, for that there is the dog, which acts as your mediator, and it is essential" then, you have to use it to master the art of moving the sheep to eat in the most scrubby areas and not to go to the thin grass that cannot be overgrazed". To do this, the dog must be well trained beforehand, you can't just take any dog, even a typical herding dog, and unleash it without any training on sheep, as it could bite them, they have that instinct if they make the poor dog too dizzy, of course. Sustainable management of mountain pastures implies precisely avoiding overgrazing, which creates bare soils, as well as undergrazing, which gives way to scrubland, with the consequent risk of fires.

Hence the great importance of traditional grazing to maintain these ecosystems, since "pastures have a great natural value in biodiversity, associated precisely with livestock uses, helps to keep greener the grass and also contributes to reduce the risk of fires".

Communication with the animals is essential to make everything work, he explained. And to achieve this, one can "impose the regime of terror" with the dogs or one can seek the help of the lead sheep, which is what I recommend him to do, said the shepherd. With the help of apples, you can make the leading sheep obey more effectively the dog that guides them, so that the others follow it, and they all move according to your indications under the guidance of the shepherd dog, in this way it is easier to manage the flock.

Communication with the people who visit the mountain has other peculiarities, so he explained. "They enter here without permission, divide the flock, often bring dogs that scare the sheep, and use the fine grass meadows as some sort of picnic area he lamented. There is a big disconnect between society and the rural world, he added, which makes for many "simplistic or even derogatory" opinions about our work as shepherds.

The work these dogs do is brutal. They are able to take off an enormous amount of work. They alone can guide a flock of 200 sheep. Imagine a mountain, with a very steep slope. You don't have to take a beating climbing up to get the sheep, while the dog does it almost effortlessly,.

-And let me tell you one last thing, for shepherds who manage more than 60 sheep, "these dogs are essential. They are capable of grouping them together, separating them into groups to put them in the stable, fetching them from the pasture where they are needed..."

Última edición por Soiberg el 12 May 2023, 00:05, editado 1 vez en total.

Amant Polidor (Baudelaire)
artista teatral

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Baudelaire » 11 May 2023, 22:09

► Mostrar Spoiler

Nice to meet you, Shark. Hi, ladies. It's an honor to have you on my side, Maulia and Melina.

Le doy unas suaves palmadas en el lomo al mastín, al tiempo que le doy énfasis a los nombres de las ovejas. A continuación pongo atención a todos los detalles que me informan respecto al bastón y hacia dónde apuntar. Tomo nota mental de lo anterior y le sumo el concepto de sobrepastoreo.

You're nice and gentle as shepherds, even better as teachers. Everything it's clear, just let me know how many time do i have for borrowing the sheeps and the dogo. I'm going to try a little by myself in order to put in practice your hearth wisdom and your knowledge of this craft. Sure the three will be returned by me when you'll need them.

Espero la respuesta y luego comienzo a practicar con el bastón y Shark, observando como se mueve él hacia el rumbo apuntado. Lo mismo respecto a la manera en que guía Maulia y Melina. Luego apunto en sentido contrario, para comprender como hacen los giros y que ángulos pueden tolerar.

¡Vaya si ésto es muy complicado y bastante agotador, pero de a poco voy consiguiendo tomarle la mano a este oficio, gracias a estos dos agradables profesores. Se nota que aman lo que hacen y enseñarlo.

Hago que regresen hasta aquí y dejo que los pastores se lleven al resto del rebaño, luego procedo a mover a las dos ovejas en paralelo a las murallas, sin acercarme y manteniendo siempre la misma distancia a ellas para evitar llamar la atención de la guarnición.

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Narrador de Vampiro
Narrador de Vampiro
Mensajes: 418
Registrado: 05 Feb 2023, 18:13

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Soiberg » 12 May 2023, 00:16

► Mostrar Spoiler

Los dos pastores pensaron durante unos instantes, luego miraron un viejo reloj de bolsillo que tenía uno de ellos.

-You can keep the sheep and the dog for the next 2 hours and then bring them back inside the farm that is just at the beginning of these pastures, close the gate, it has a manual lock, so the sheep won't escape.

-Woof! woof! the dog barked at the sheep, while wagging his tail in an adorable way, as he was attentive to Amant's instructions and went where Amant ordered him to go .


Durante esos momentos apareció un soldado que patrullaba la zona, al ver a Amant, aparentemente pastoreando las ovejas, no notó nada raro en él y pasó de largo.

Amant Polidor (Baudelaire)
artista teatral

Re: SECCIÓN PREÁMBULOS - Parte 1 -Preludio de Amant Polidor de Salvá


Mensaje por Baudelaire » 12 May 2023, 01:51

Avanzo con tranquilidad, siguiendo al soldado con un suave gesto de mi bastón para que las ovejas queden a un costado de él y se mueva suavemente hacia el otro sin notarlo. De ese modo nos vamos a encontrar de frente, en ese instante aprovecho para modificar levemente mi maquillaje sin que pueda verme.

Good day to you, mister soldier.

Saludo con gentileza y usando el acento de pastores que acabo de escuchar. Hago que las ovejas se detengan antes de continuar.

You look weary and tired. Hungry, maybe? Have these apples.

Le ofrezco una a cada oveja y un par más a él, de las que me han entregado los pastores. Guardando un poco más para después. Igualmente, le lanzo un par de galletas al mastín.

Sorry, what a bad manners from me. Huntington Spencer, at your service!

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