[ALIEN AVATAR] Introduction

Mage The Ascension

Moderador: Pagliacci

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

[ALIEN AVATAR] Introduction


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Meet the military making merry where the magic people go. They are looking at us looking at them and we know they know we know.

— Shriekback, “Nighttown”

ALIEN AVATAR is a pulp chronicle for Mage the Ascension. Ancient powers awake, mysterious messages emerge from nowhere and the characters face the Technocracy in the limits of Reality. Load your protoplasmic gun, prepare your spells, there is a world to save. The main characters are a traditionalist cabal, a group mages gathered by their common faith in a future free of the machinations of the Technocracy. They all are of different origins and paradigms, they have different (and often contradictory) perspectives of what true magick is. But they have a common goal, to protect the humanity.
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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
Ubicación: Valencia
Mensajes miarroba: 2.302
Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [ALIEN AVATAR] Introduction


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Somewhere, in Brandenburg, there is a Circle named Neue Hoffnung, which is a cabal of Verbenae Mages working as a co-operative farm. This rural cabal is the entry point of some mages before arriving Berlin and a haven from refugees of the Ascension War. "New Hope Farm" also serves as a “safe house” of sorts for Tradition mages in need of a haven or simply a place to get away from the outside world for a while, provided they’re willing to do their fair share of the work.

Their leader is KAMERIA FAIRMONT. Through Life magic she stands straight and tall, a stunning African woman with long black hair usually worn in beaded cornrows, with a passionate fire smoldering in her dark eyes. Kameria has changed in spirit as well, with the passing of her husband and the birth of their child, she has gone from the passionate and innocent maiden to the fierce and powerful mother-figure of the Neue Hoffnung Circle.

EDITH KRAMER (Celestial Chorus)

Kramer was born jewish in Austria, she was only a child when nazis entered the country without much opposition of the viennese people. After some months, he was deported to Poland and forced to live in the ghetto. There she awoke, her faith in God saved her, he struggled to survive, scavenging, eating remnants and even, sometimes, stealing food. But it was her faith that maintained her alive, she achieved to stay mentally balanced and endure the worst sufferings. She started to study Kabbalah and when the rabbi died, she took his place. In Auschwitz she was one of the few who did not succumb to desperation. She tightened her relationship with God, and her inner spirit, her Avatar, grew.

After the war, she joined the Celestial Chorus, she has been one of the most important Choristers in Cold War Germany, fighting for religious freedom and joining some anti-racism movements. She fighted with Technocracy, she faced the marauders and nazi escapees. The Chorus has been one of the most important Traditions in the city due to her work. But now, she is old, very old, some people in the Celestial Chorus are concerned without the lack of guidance that will follow her death, but she has maintained good relationships with other groups of mages, especially the Orphans and the Hollow ones. They are not alone.

HOFFMAN (Hollow one)

Nathaniel Hoffman awakened in the early 20th century, he was a burgess young child of a rich german family, and then Der Sandman entered his house, stealing and eating the eyes of his sister, leaving a trail of sand and ashes behind. His form, barbed and grotesque, was the corpse of a monster, his mouth gnarled the ocular globes of his victim, he was a monster from beyond and he told him:

-Coppelius is my name, and some night I will come back for you.

Hoffman grew traumatized, he was accused of hurting his sister and interred in a mental asylum, he awakened surrounded by madmen and howling in desperation. But he survived. After the asylum, after being labelled as “mentaly sane” he started to frequent some dark places, he tried to create an automaton, a replica of his fallen sister. And he did so.

The mechanical beast of steam and brass opened glass eyes at the beginning of the 40´s. For decades he hunted Coppelius, he joined the Hollow ones and learned how to destroy monsters. But he never found Coppelius, so he instructed an apprentice to follow his steps, and she is Myrna Vogel. Maybe, she would be ready when Der Sandmann comes.


She was a spy in the Cold War, playing the hunters hunted game on one side or the other, or so she thinks. She fought Technocracy, capitalism and communism, she got involved against the totalitarian regimens, acting as mercenary terrorist, a freedom fighter from the militias, until 1984. In that year she was captured and brainwashed by the New world order, she forget everything, her name, her parents, her brother, her hometown, she became empty, she was nothing more that a drone serving Technocracy as double agent and a spy, she unmasked many Reality Deviant she became hated.

In 1989 she almost died in action, she was abandoned behind enemy lines, the Euthanatoi retrieved her body and gave her another chance, she was born for the third time in 1995. The war was over, she was an anachronism. But this time, she was born as an awakened mage, as an euthanatos and she was looking to repair the damage she had done. She tries to unlock her erased memories, she fears Technocracy the most and rejects violence, nowadays. But it is not easy to carry on with sins of ages past.
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