[Requiem for Rome] Introducción

Requiem for Rome

Moderador: Pagliacci

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Re: [Requiem for Rome] Sesiones de juego


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 03 Oct 2020, 08:55

Muy buenas, me alegro de que te haya gustado la partida. Sobre lo de armadura, lo que comenté es que era difícil de llevar y combatir con ella sin entrenamiento, levantar un escudo así y luchar en formación. Por otro lado, en el capítulo 2 introduciré los personajes que faltan.

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Requiem for Rome] Introducción


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 11 Oct 2020, 16:29

Las termas de Caracalla, el gran palacio dedicado al placer del mundo antiguo:

https://www.abc.es/cultura/arte/abci-ha ... ticia.html


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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Requiem for Rome] Introducción


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 12 Oct 2020, 10:26

p68 de Fall of the Camarilla


A chariot race consists of a number of laps, and each lap consists of two straights and two corners. All racers start with no successes. For the start, roll Wits + Composure, as starting successes. The race starts with a straight. For each straight and corner, all the drivers roll Dexterity + Ride (Chariot).
The rolls are considered to take place simultaneously. Characters without a Chariot Specialty in Ride get a –2 penalty to all pools involving it; characters with the Specialty get the normal bonus. Driving a chariot is similar to riding a horse in many ways, but the differences are important. Riders add their successes to their total.

The number of laps for the race is set in advance; seven is normal. The winner is the character with the
highest number of successes when the race ends. Obviously, basic racing is a bit boring. Fortunately, hardly anyone ever does that.

A dramatic failure on a racing roll indicates a crash. The driver of a crashed chariot takes 10 dice of bashing damage. When one chariot crashes, it may bring the others down with it. Drivers who are signifi cantly ahead of or behind the crash are safe, but others must make refl exive Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) rolls to avoid the danger, applying an initial –1 penalty to the roll. Each driver should roll in order of his position in the race.

Every one who crashes adds an additional –1 to the penalty of those behind him. If a crash brings another chariot down, those drivers already in the crash take an additional fi ve dice of bashing damage each. A crash near the front of a race can spell doom even for vampires. Ghouls with Celerity are trained to clear the track when there is a crash; by the time the race comes round again, all the wreckage has been removed.


All the penalties from the following maneuvers stack, and a driver targeted by more than one other driver takes all the penalties from those maneuvers. It is thus very, very easy to be reduced to a chance die on any Drive roll in a large race, even for skilled charioteers.

BLOCKING: A driver can attempt to block any driver behind him in the race, measured at the end of the last turn. To do so, he takes a –3 penalty to his Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) pool and rolls as normal. If he succeeds, his target cannot get past, and thus cannot improve his position — the best he can do is keep pace with the blocker. However, the blocker is similarly limited, and cannot gain successes toward victory in this turn. He can choose only to block one driver per turn.

A driver may make a refl exive Wits + Composure roll to realize that he is being blocked. If he does, he may contest the blocking action with his own Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) roll, without any penalties. If he gets more successes than the character trying to block him, he is not blocked, but his position in the race does not improve. Once a driver is blocked, the leading driver may maintain the block for as long as he likes. Both drivers roll as normal, but they both advance the lower number of successes, keeping a constant distance.

If the blocked driver advances to one success behind the blocker, he can attempt to escape the block on his next turn. The blocker rolls first, and the blocked driver takes a penalty on his dice pool equal to the number of successes the blocker achieves. If he succeeds anyway, he advances that many successes and escapes the block. This may leave him behind the blocker, but at least he is now in a position to move forward. A driver who has just escaped a block automatically notices if the blocker tries to reimpose it on the next turn.

INTERFERENCE: Drivers can try to make problems for the other racers to force them back. Each driver can target a single racer (who must be within two successes of him in terms of the overall race — other chariots are too far away). The interfering driver accepts a penalty to his Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) dice pool, of any amount up to the amount needed to reduce his pool to a chance die. If he succeeds, the target of interference suffers a penalty to his dice pool equal to the penalty the interfering driver took.

DECEPTION: Charioteers can also attempt to deceive one another. The dice pool for this is Manipulation + Ride (Chariot), as the deception is expressed in the movements of the chariot. A charioteer attempting deception makes a refl exive Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) roll at a –2 penalty, to determine his position in the race, and then his Manipulation + Ride (Chariot) roll. All the other charioteers make a refl exive Wits + Ride (Chariot) roll to see through the ruse. Those who achieve more successes than the deceiver are unaffected. Those who do not take a penalty equal to his number of successes on their next Dexterity + Ride (Chariot) roll. They do not know that they are taking this penalty, and so may try other maneuvers.

FORCING WIDE: This maneuver can be used only on corners, and only against a charioteer within one success of the maneuverer. The aim is to force the other driver to the outside of the corner, where the distance is longer. The driver takes a –1 penalty to his dice pool, and the target takes a penalty equal to the number of successes the driver scores.

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
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Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
Ubicación: Valencia
Mensajes miarroba: 2.302
Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Requiem for Rome] Introducción


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 02 Nov 2020, 09:57

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
Ubicación: Valencia
Mensajes miarroba: 2.302
Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Requiem for Rome] Introducción


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 08 Nov 2020, 20:23

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
Ubicación: Valencia
Mensajes miarroba: 2.302
Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: [Requiem for Rome] Introducción


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 15 Nov 2020, 23:58

Algo de trasfondo sobre Thais, santa de las prostitutas:



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