Trinidad Boira (Personaje)

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Trinidad Boira (Personaje)


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 19 Nov 2022, 21:51

Mi primer wraith:


Trinidad Boira Penyaroja was born in Havana in the middle of the past century. During the hard days of her childhood, she witnessed the rise of the revolution, the war and the new communist regime. She suffered, as many others, she lost some relatives, but she endured the post-war famine and repression. The promised communist paradise never came, instead, they found another oligarchy, a system as dangerous as capitalism was for their citizens. The tensions with the USA rose high and any dissension was firmly suppressed. Like many others, she dreamed of flying away, migrating to a new country, one with Liberty and Freedom and many other civil rights.

She did not, she was afraid. Many of her colleagues tried, and most of them died in the waters of the Caribbean Sea. She graduated in “historia del arte” in the Universidad de La Habana. But being an artist was never easy, neither a woman or a citizen in a totalitarian regime and she was regarded with suspicion. She ended grinded by the mechanisms of the machine, she ended in poverty, badly ill, having to choose between becoming homeless or spending her last savings in a dealer who promised her an easy way to the shores of Miami.

She gambled with her life, she bet on a dream in a new world, a dream of a future, a dream that never came. The contrabandist that was going to send them to Florida, abandoned them many miles away from the coast in a sinking ship, 30 people were there. Children, mothers, teenagers. Many died from dehydration after drinking sea water. The cries of the babies never ended. The boat floated for weeks before the USA coast patrol found them. A few of them were barely alive, they died in the hospital, as they did not have an insurance card and could not afford the treatment.

The corpse of Trinidad was never found, maybe she finally got to the shores of Florida. Maybe she sank in the deepest darkness of an ocean that had become a mass grave.

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: Trinidad Boira (Personaje)


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 19 Nov 2022, 21:51


Trinidad was reaped by The hand of retribution, christian heretics who opposed the Hierarchy and saw in it the steams of the machine spinning and howling. Those heretics believed the underworld was Purgatory, that they were paying for their sins, and their salvation was achieving redemption through transcendence. Boira was initiated in the cult, but unlike many of their colleagues, she was not a faithful person in life. The Hand endured persecution by the authorities. Sometimes, the cult warred against renegades and heretics alike, sometimes, they even sold some of the reaped souls to the Hierarchy. Every sacrifice made in the name of the Transcendence.

After a couple of years and having developed some expertise in Argos, she fled. She was determined to discover what would have awaited her in life, if she would have made her way through the sea alive. And after her time with the fishers, she was determined to find those Far-Shores, without waiting for any Transcendence. This new life was a second chance, the chance to conquer death, to achieve something meaningful, breaking the chains that sinked her.

With her new dark and translucent wings, she crossed the tempest and the shadowlands, arriving at an everburning city. There, she tried to get in touch with some of her contacts she had in the Hand of retribution, she found the reverend Peter Ashford. Ashford is the archetypical preacher, and so, she found it as easy as it was boring to deal with him. However, she entered in contact with the Seekers of the Paradise, which are far more aligned with her interests, and they are inducting her.

With this kind of dual heretic loyalties, Trinidad is playing a dangerous game. And, furthermore, she is getting interested in the affairs of the secretive guilds, specially the Harbingers. Her pure purpose, kind heart and calm nature made easy trust her. But unlife bitters anyone, and the rage is fuelling his shadow more and more.

Contacts, from Necropolis Atlanta:
Reverend Peter Ashford
Clemson Dewberry
Joel Chandler Harris

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
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Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: Trinidad Boira (Personaje)


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 20 Nov 2022, 16:00

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Re: Trinidad Boira (Personaje)


Mensaje por Voivoda » 20 Nov 2022, 22:05

Sé que es para una partida en inglés, pero sería útil una versión traducida por si a alguien en el futuro le vale como recurso.

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Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Narrador de Vampiro y de Mago
Mensajes: 5830
Registrado: 14 Jul 2019, 07:43
Ubicación: Valencia
Mensajes miarroba: 2.302
Antigüedad: 26 de Septiembre de 2017

Re: Trinidad Boira (Personaje)


Mensaje por Pagliacci » 21 Nov 2022, 09:44

Seguro que lo traduzco. En cuanto acabe el personaje, que me falta la sombra. Así, si la partida en inglés no funciona, lo tengo ya para otra preparado, que es un trabajazo hacer un personaje de Wraith.

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